Annual Research Conference 2025

The SoCoBio DTP Annual Conference is a multi-day event that provides the entire cohort of the South Coast Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership (SoCoBio DTP) with opportunities to communicate their science, exchange research ideas, and share their training experience. In addition, there are networking opportunities with industry, guest lectures, discussion panels, a wellbeing workshop led by DTP Wellbeing Lead and student wellbeing champions. The conference is held at a different DTP partner each year so students also get an opportunity to visit partner institutions and tour their facilities.

2025 Annual SoCoBio DTP Research Conference, 23 -25 April 2025, at the University of Southampton

We are excited to welcome SoCoBio students, the DTP Leadership Team, supervisors, industry collaborators and guest speakers to the 2025 SoCoBio DTP Annual Research Conference, hosted by the University of Southampton.

Please use the buttons on this page to download the Joining Instructions Pack, which contains all the information you need to plan your journey to the venue, view the event programme, and read the abstracts of the talks by SoCoBio students. (Links will be live shortly.)

This year’s conference features a full programme, including 10-minute talks, 3-minute thesis-style flash talks, posters, guest speakers (see below), and a wellbeing workshop on reflexivity. Additionally, there will be a Data Management pre-workshop session, a careers talk, a PIPS Q&A, and outreach organization talks. Prizes will be awarded for the best Year 4 student talk, best Year 3 poster, and best Year 2 3-minute thesis-style talk.

Day 3, April 25, is industry-focused. Student talks and posters will be presented by CASE students, and there will be an ‘Industry Questions Time,‘ giving students the opportunity to ask industry representatives about their career paths, career opportunities within their businesses, tips on applying for jobs, and anything else they may wish to know. Industry representatives will have the opportunity to network with students, learn more about the programme, and discover other ways to engage with SoCoBio DTP.

An overview of the event can be seen in the poster below.

2024 Conference at UKent: Posters, talks and group photo

2023 Conference at USusx: Reflexivity activity, networking lunch, talks and group photo

2022 Conference at USoton: Posters & talks

Guest Speakers

Key Note Speaker

Dr Richard Henderson, CH FMedSci FRS, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge

Richard Henderson (b. 1945) is a structural biologist with an undergraduate degree in physics from Edinburgh University (1966).  He worked on the structure and mechanism of chymotrypsin for his Ph.D. with David Blow at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB). As a postdoc at Yale, he developed an interest in membrane proteins and worked on voltage-gated sodium channels. With Nigel Unwin back at LMB, he used electron microscopy to determine the structure of bacteriorhodopsin in two-dimensional crystals, first at low resolution and later at atomic resolution.  Most recently he has focused on single particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) in which electron images of a thin film containing the macromolecules of interest are obtained without the need for crystals, using the plunge-freeze method developed by Jacques Dubochet’s group at EMBL. He shared the 2017 Chemistry Nobel prize with Dubochet and Joachim Frank.

Presentation Title: Accomplishments and potential of cryoEM in structural biology

Abstract: In the last decade, single particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) has experienced an enormous leap in its capability, due to improved electron microscopes, better detectors and better software, and this has revolutionised structural biology. I will show some topical examples and discuss potential for further improvements. I will also talk about our efforts to encourage development of less expensive cryoEM equipment such as described in McMullan et al, PNAS 120, e2312905120 –

Second Guest speaker information coming soon

Industrial Partners

A range of industrial partners are attending the conference and we strongly encourage students to make the most of this occasion to build connections and learn about the opportunities available to them after their PhD.

This year, we are joined by: Information to be added shortly

This year's organisation committee are:

From the DTP Leadership and SoCoBio supervisors: From the USoton – Matthew Terry, Rohan Lewis, Fatima Pereira, Sandra Dancer; From the UPort – Marta Roldo, Binuraj Menon, Arthur Butt; From USusx – Chrisostomos Prodromou, From UKent – Campbell Gourlay, Christopher Mulligan. From Industry – Rob Howlin (Haleon)

DTP Students: From USoton – Alex Clarke, Anastasia Kolesnikova, Liliana Jeziorska, Molly Rutt, Johanna Fish, Yomna Moqidem