The SoCoBio DTP has recruited its final cohort under the DTP3 funding from BBSRC and will not be offering studentships for 2025
SocoBio DTP provides PhD students with a unique opportunity to undertake bioscience research and training in the following themes:
Understanding the rules of life
(up to 11 scholarships available)
Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food
(up to 5 scholarships available)
Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth
(up to 8 scholarships available)
Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health
(up to 2 scholarships available)
A substantial proportion of our studentships are co-funded by industry or include an industry partner through a CASE award.
Application Procedure
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying
Step 1: What’s on Offer
Candidates can choose to join the programme via either the DTP route of entry or directly to an Industry Co-funded Project or apply to both.
Standard and CASE DTP studentships
This four-year programme comprises two laboratory ‘rotations’ in the first year, followed a project jointly supervised by researchers from two of the host institutions or with industry in years 2-4. Students normally take a three month industrial placement, and all students will receive training in Data-Management & Computational Biology, Industrial Biotechnology, Science Communication, and Business and Entrepreneurship plus optional Masters Level Modules.
Industry Co-funded studentships
Students joining an industry co-funded studentship do not undertake rotations in their first year and instead begin directly on their named industrial collaborative project from the start of the programme. During the 4-years of study industry co-funded studentship students will spend between 3-18 months on placement with their industry partner.
Step 2: Requirements for Applicants
Candidates should have a BSc/MSci 2:1 and/or Masters (MSc or MRes) at Merit/Distinction level (>60%) and/or evidence of significant relevant professional experience equivalent to Masters level.
SoCoBio welcomes applications from candidates with sustained experience beyond their undergraduate degree level that is specifically relevant to biosciences research. This includes students with degrees in science or engineering-disciplines outside of biology.
English Language Proficiency
At time of application, all students whose first language is not English must be able to provide recent evidence that their spoken and written language skills are adequate for the doctoral study – normally an IELTS qualification with a minimum score of 6.5 in all sections, or proof of a previous degree taught in English, or substantial work experience in the UK.
Evidence may be one of the following and must be submitted to the DTP before interview:
- Work or educational experience in English (within 2 years of starting the programme)
- English Language qualification.
Step 3: Funding
SoCoBio DTP offers UKRI-funded studentships which include tuition fees at the UK rate plus a tax-free maintenance stipend to support living costs, and an annual Research Training Support Grant (RTSG).
SoCoBio DTP welcomes international applicants and will fund full overseas fees but the number of international studentships awarded per cohort is capped by UKRI at 30% per cohort.
SoCoBio DTP accept applications from international students with independently sourced bursaries to cover the difference between home and overseas fee rates.
The SoCoBio DTP does not fund travel costs to the UK, student VISA application fees and associated costs (for example immigration healthcare surcharge) for international students awarded a studentship.
Further information on eligibility for international students can be found on the UKRI website: International Eligibility Guidance
Step 4: How do I apply?
The SoCoBio DTP has recruited its final cohort under the DTP3 funding from BBSRC and will not be offering studentships for 2025
Visit the Projects page to view our 2024 projects for consideration by applicants. Use the ‘Filter Projects‘ drop-down menu and select ‘2024 cohort‘ and filter projects by selecting studentship type and theme(s).
**Projects are categorised as PRIORTY or STANDARD projects**
Priority projects are projects that address key training areas for our DTP and we are especially keen to recruit students to these projects.**
Students can apply for both Standard/CASE studentships or Industry co-funded studentships. Follow the application procedure for both below:
Application Procedure for DTP route of entry (Standard and CASE studentships)
Step 1: Complete the University of Southampton online application by following this link first (link will be live when the next application window opens)
Important: wait for conformation of your University of Southampton application ID number (8-digits) before proceeding to step 2
If applying to an industry co-funded studentship use the link under – ‘Application Procedure for Industry co-funded studentships’
Application guidance:
- Leave topic or field of research and name of proposed supervisor blank, funding is from SoCoBio DTP.
- Prepare one personal statement using the guidance document listed under useful links and add to both the University of Southampton application (step 1), and the SoCoBio Funding application (step 2).
- Beware it can take 48hrs or longer to receive your application ID number after submitting your online application therefore allow time for this when making an application to the DTP – both applications need to be received before the deadline. Late and incomplete applications cannot be considered
Step 2: Complete the SoCoBio DTP application by following this link (link will be live when next application window opens).
Important: read the SoCoBio Funding Application Guidance Notes before completing this application.
Your application cannot receive consideration until you have completed both applications and provide all supporting documents as follows:
- Evidence of prior academic qualifications – these will be certificates or transcripts to show that you meet or expect to meet the entry requirements.
- Evidence of your English proficiency if English is not your first language.
- Two references with at least one being an academic reference.
Application Procedure for Industry co-funded studentships (Deadlines specific to these projects are shown below)
Step 1: Complete the DTP Partner online application using the links below.
(link will be live when next application window opens)
Application guidance:
- Enter project title and supervisor in appropriate fields on the application form, and the funding is from SoCoBio DTP
- We encourage applicants to apply as soon as possible.
Application Help
Attend an online Application Q&A session on (details will be added when next application window opens)
Use the contact page on the website to contact the DTP if you have any questions about the application process.
How will applications be assessed
For DTP route of entry (Standard and CASE studentships) the SoCoBio Recruitment Committee will shortlist candidates according to the following criteria:
- Academic performance – as demonstrated by your qualifications and/or research or work/professional experience.
- Fit to programme – as demonstrated by your research interests and your motivation and commitment to doctoral research with SoCoBio DTP, explained in your personal statement.
For industry co-funded studentship applications, the supervisory team will shortlist candidates for interview to the criteria above.
Equality diversity and inclusion monitoring questions:
All sensitive data within your application will be anonymised and used for reporting purposes only. All sensitive personal data will be held securely, separately and in confidence, and used in accordance with the Data Policies of the partner institutions. This information will not be accessible to the SoCoBio Recruitment Committee during the selection process. Applications are particularly welcomed from candidates with protected characteristics – e.g. from black and minority ethnic groups – who are under-represented in postgraduate research at our Institutions. We also welcome candidates who would wish to consider pursuing a PhD part-time. We can offer support to students with additional responsibilities to enable them to pursue their PhD equitably. Students with a disability will be eligible to receive additional funding via the Disabled Student Allowance.
Step 5: Interviews
Standard DTP Studentships
Interviews will take place on Thursday 15th February 2024 and Friday 16th February 2024 by video call. Candidates will be notified by (or shortly after) 31 January 2024 if they have been selected for interview.
Industry co-funded studentship
Interviews will be carried out by the project Supervisory Team with representation from the DTP Management Team.
Step 6: Offers
We will make informal offers shortly after interview. The offer will confirm first rotation projects which will be selected from student’s top three project preferences identified on their application (DTP entry route standard and CASE studentships only). For projects located at a partner institution (i.e. not the University of Southampton) students will be asked to complete a formal application to that institution. Finally, formal offer/funding letters will be sent to students from their project’s host institution.
PhD's and future careers

If you have a question about the programme or its application procedure please contact the DTP Manager using the contact page.