Unique opportunities to undertake bioscience research and training

Welcome to the South Coast Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (SoCoBio DTP). This is a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) funded Doctoral Training Partnership offering a broad, 4-year research training programme which provides students with the skills they need to develop into future bioscience leaders in academia or in industry.

SoCoBio is a collaboration between four south coast universities and a specialist institution who have notable strengths in the biosciences and institutional strategies that focus on delivering regional, national and international impact.

Providing unparalleled access to a range of training opportunities, research facilities and world-class expertise, across the host institutions, industrial partners and other providers in the UK and overseas. Launched in 2020, the partnership has a mission to attract, train and deliver a pipeline of skilled, top doctoral talent to the region, the wider UK and for global society.

A message from the Director

" We are very proud of our work in developing the SoCoBio partnership to train the next generation of PhD graduates in the Biosciences for the region, the wider UK and for global society. Find out more about the programme by viewing this video. "
Professor Matthew Terry, SoCoBio DTP Director

SoCoBio is a new collaboration of four leading Universities and an independent research institute – The University of Southampton, The University of Kent, The University of Sussex, The University of Portsmouth and NIAB.

Industry Co-funded Studentships

Industry co-funded projects are industrial collaborative projects in which the industry partner is contributing equally alongside the academic partner to address urgent industrial need across our four research themes

Standard Studentships

Projects that are a collaboration between two SoCoBio partners to address innovative questions across our four research themes.

CASE Studentships

Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering (CASE) projects working in partnership with industry to address innovative questions across our four research themes.

Call for project proposals is now closed (links will be live when the next call opens)

To submit a project proposal for consideration for funding from the SoCoBio DTP Studentship Call, please complete the SoCoBio Project Proposal Form. Follow the guidance notes accompanying the proposal form and FAQs document.

Acceptance of a project does not guarantee that the project goes ahead, as this will depend on student choice. However, projects with matched funding from industry are permitted to recruit directly to that studentship. Find out more about CASE studentships: BBSRC CASE studentship Information Pack, BBSRC CASE studentship FAQs

Priority Projects for 2024 recruitment cycle

  • BBSRC theme Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth
  • BBSRC theme Transformative technologies projects.
  • CASE projects (Standard or 50% match funded)
  • Projects based at NIAB EMR

Prospective CASE partners and industry engagement opportunities:

One of the key features of the SoCoBio DTP is opportunities for interaction with industry. Companies interested in being part of a CASE studentship but require support locating academics across the partnership to collaborate with can contact the DTP Manager via the contact page on this website.  Companies can also engage in the DTP through offering Professional Internships for PhD students (PIPS). In the second or third year of the programme students complete a 3 month placement outside of an academic research environment.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Find out more

A video message from our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champion Professor Majid Hafezparast.